
കാത്തിരിപ്പിന്റ് ഉന്നതിയിലേക്ക്
കാലമാം വഴിവിളക്കിൻറ് വെളിച്ചം തേടി ഞാൻ<
മിന്നിത്തിളങ്ങുന്ന താരകങ്ങളോ ഏറേ
കത്തിപ്പടരുന്ന തീജ്വാലകളേറേ
മനസ്സിൻ കയങ്ങളിൽ താഴിട്ട് നിൽപ്പൂ
അനന്തമാം വഹായസ്സിലേക്ക് ഉറ്റുനോക്കി ഞാൻ
അകലെ മറയുന്ന പൊൻ സൂര്യനെപ്പോൽ
മാത്രമിന്നെൻ കാത്തിരിപ്പും
വിരിയാനിരിക്കുന്ന പൂക്കളേ നോക്കുക
തല്ലിക്കൊഴിച്ചുവെൻ സ്വപ്നങ്ങളും
എന്നേക്കുമായി തകരുന്നുവെന്ന്
ആ നീണ്ട കാത്തിരിപ്പും......
കൈത്തുമ്പിൽനിന്ന് വിട്ടകലുന്ന നിമിഷവും
കാണാമറയത്ത് ശൂനഽമായി
കാത്തിരിപ്പൻ നൊമ്പരം മാത്രം ബാക്കിയായി
ആറടിമണ്ണിൽ ഉറങ്ങുന്നതിൻ മുമ്പ് ഓർക്കുവാനുള്ള
മധുരസ്മരണകളിലും നിറഞ്ഞുനിൽക്കുമാ കാത്തിരിപ്പ്
കാലചക്രത്തിനുളളിൽ മുങ്ങിപോയൊരാ
കൊച്ചു ബാല്യകാലമോ ഹാ!
എത്ര സുന്ദരമായിരുന്നെന്ന് ഞാനിന്നോർത്തീടുന്നു
എന്നിൽനിന്നുമെല്ലാം അകന്നുപോയി
ഈ ഭൂവിൽ സ്വന്തമെന്നോതുവാൻ എനിക്കൊന്നില്ല
എങ്കിലും, കാണാമറയത്തുകാണൂമാ പൊൻവെളിച്ചം
പ്രതീക്ഷയുടെതാണെന്ന് കരുതിയിന്ന്
കാത്തിരിപ്പിൻ ഈണത്തിനൊപ്പം
ജീവിതമാം ദീപത്തിൻ തിരിതെളിയിച്ചു.........

Mibiya - 12 E

बेटा : अम्मा, यह सर्वज्ञपीठ क्या होता है ?
अम्मा :अरे वाह! कहाँ से मिला अब यह जानकारी?
बेटा :आज हमारी हिंदी अध्यापिका ने शंकराचार्य के बारे में बताया၊ उन्होंने यह भी बोला कि शंकराचार्य जी सर्वज्ञ पीठ पहुँचे, वह कहाँ है ?
अम्मा : जी बेटा , श्री शंकराचार्य जी केरल की एर्नाकुलम जिले में कालडी नामक प्रदेश में जन्म लिया , उन्होंने अपनी छोटी- सी उम्र में ही बहुत कुछ
सीखा,संस्कृत, वेदांत आदिऔर पूरे भारत में यात्रा भी की၊ उनके द्वारा रचित अनेक पुस्तकें भी है ၊
बेटा :वह सब तो हमारी अध्यापिका जी ने भी बताया၊ आप मुझे यह बता दें कि सर्वज्ञ पीठ कहाँ होते है?
अम्मा: अच्छा, तो सुनो, पिछले साल गर्मी की छुट्टियों में हम कहाँ गए थे ?
बेटा :हम ने तो कोल्लूर मूकाम्बिका गया था, ना?
अम्मा: हाँ बेटा , वहाँं से लगभग दो सौ किलोमीटर चढ़ने से हम सर्वज्ञ पीठ पहुँचते हैे यानि, कोडचाद्री घाटी ၊ यह है कर्नाटका राज्य में ,वहाँं एक छोटा- सा मंदिर है और शंकराचार्य जी ने जहाँ तप किया वह गुफा भी है।
बेटा : हाँ - हाँ ,याद है मुझे ၊पिताजी और मैं वहाँ गए थे । उस चोटी के ऊपर से जो दृश्य होता है ,कितनी सुंदर है !अभी भी कितनी याद आता है मुझे !अगर मैं एक अच्छे चित्रकार होता, वह पूरा की पूरा सुनहरी दृश्य एक क्यानवास पर आलेखन कर सकता! अम्मा : वाह !बहुत अच्छा !ऐसे लगते थे कि हम यह पूरे विश्व के ऊपर खड़े हैं ,ना? सबसे ऊपर ,जैसा कि आसमान को हम छू सकते हैं। अच्छा ,अब जाओ और कल के लिए जो गृहकार्य करना है ,कर लो ၊

Sreeram.R Grade VII C

एक जोखिम सफ़र
शिखर पहुँचना है मुश्किल
या है बहुत आसान
जो परिश्रम करता है
वह शिखर हासिल करता है।
शिखर पहुँचना है एक एहसास
जो कुछ ही जाने क्या है
पर जो भी हो वह एहसास
बहुत अच्छा होता है ।
शिखर पहुँचना है एक सफर
जो हम कभी न भूलें
हे यार ! रहो दृढ
अगर तुम्हें पहुँचना है शिखर I
शिखर पहुँचना है एक इंतजार
जिसका फल है मीठा
हे प्यारे ! रखो आत्मविश्वास
जिससे फूले - फले हम ।
शिखर पर है छिपे रहस्य
जो है हमारे बारे में
बढ़ो आगे कुशलतापूर्वक
और रहो जीवन में सफल ॥

Jemon Grade IX C


We have citizens enjoying the summit of freedom, politicians at the peak of corruption, businessmen at the height of exploitation and even youngsters indulging in extreme conditions of rebellion. 

Getting to the peak of things is all that the world cares for today.  Everyone is willing to sacrifice love, relationships, ethics and what not to attain their goal. All are simply bothered about earning lots and lots of money and are ready to try every cheap trick in the book to achieve it.  Everyone simply wants to get to the top. It seems that ideals have no place in such a mercenary world.
Why are terrorist attacks becoming so frequent? Why are people killing each other? Why does so much corruption prevail?  The present day headlines are lettered with details of murder, arson, rape, riot, squabbles etc.  But has anyone of us stopped to think what exactly we achieve on reaching these extreme state of affairs.  Well....  it's nothing.  In the end,  when you finally reach that point,  all you will have gained is a huge balance sheet of loss - of friends,  family,  morale……endless is the tally. 
Most of us forget to realize that in the end,  we are all human beings.  It is the same blood that flows through all of us.  One cannot be deemed victorious if he manages to push past everyone and win on all occasions.  True victory lies in winning together- as a group and still have peace.  

One should follow one's ethics, no matter how earnestly he/she seeks to reach the peak.  One should not compromise with the bonding of friends and family to reach there.  Sometimes we need to slow down and think, ponder, analyse. It is then that we get to realize the world around us with its manifold wonders.  
Nature has always been on our side.  Be it good, shelter, resources. But how have we been returning the favour? Pumping all kinds of wastes into water bodies, cutting down trees,  and so on.  We have been doing all this in the name of development. 
Time has however reversed the conditions of life. It is now Nature’s turn to react.  Sometimes we need to take a break and immerse our self in enjoying the true gifts of nature.  What is more satisfying than enjoying a cold, rainy day with a hot cup of coffee by your side?  Or perhaps a day on the beach?  All of this is vital to soothe our nerves than a gadget that consumes us altogether. 

Man has achieved a lot in many fields. As the human effort is in pursuing success,  he goes on tirelessly,  mindlessly : sacrificing,  negating,  neglecting many vital aspects of life. 

In the end, the stark irony is that the target we set takes us along a rat race. Our targets however are defined by the extent of our capabilities.  Many summits in life can never be reached.  But the peaks of life always await a winner.  It is the spirit to reach that peak that keeps us going.  


Dhyuthy Krishnakumar

ഉന്നതിയിലേക്കുള്ള വഴി

ഏറെ പരിശ്രമിക്കുകിൽ ഔന്നിത്യമേറിടാം
സൗഭാഗ്യ വീഥിയിൽ സഞ്ചരിക്കാം
പാഠപാരായണ വിദ്യ പോരാ...
പാരിൻ പ്രകാശമാം വിദ്യ വേണം
ഉയർന്ന രമ്യഹർമ്യങ്ങളല്ല ഇന്നീ
ഉയിർ പകർന്ന നന്മ മൂല്യങ്ങളും
ഉന്നതങ്ങളിലേറിടാൻ ലക്ഷ്യബോധം
അതും ജീവശ്വാസമായി തീർന്നിടേണംമാടീ വിളിച്ചീടും അല്പസുഖത്തിന്‍െറ
മായാഭ്രമങ്ങളും ലഹരികളും
തച്ചുടച്ചു നീ പോയീടുകില്‍
ശാശ്വത സുഖമെന്നും ഉയരങ്ങളിൽ
ലാളിത്യം നിന്നിൽ വിരിഞ്ഞിരിക്കേ
ഔന്നിത്യം നിന്നിൽ വിളഞ്ഞിരിക്കും
കാതങ്ങളുണ്ടിനി താണ്ടീടുവാൻ
ഉയരങ്ങളിൽ ചെന്നു ആമോദിക്കാന്‍
ഏറെ പരിശ്രമം ചെയ്തീടുകില്‍പിന്നെ
ഉയരങ്ങൾ നിന്നെയും കാത്തിരിക്കും

ആദ്യ ഷിബു 12 എ


It was dark outside. He couldn't see things as he was at the peak of disappointment. Neither the night nor the sky was dark. He himself felt completely drowned in the darkness of depression and regret.
Rajath is a 16year old boy, a resident of New Delhi. He is the only son of Mr.Yadav, a journalist and Mrs.Remyä, a professor in a reputed college. The couple seem to be always busy. They both were very punctual, responsible and determined in doing their job, and wanted complete perfection in what they did. They were deeply engaged in gratifying themselves. In the midst of all this, they never had time to spend with Rajath. Moreover, the two were rarely in good terms. They could not trust each other and that drew their minds far apart.
Rajath was a pleasant, kind and quick-witted boy. He had all the facilities that a teenager would need. But there were two main components of life in which he lacked good friends and happiness. He was terribly shattered that night, as he came to know a very disappointing news. He was informed that his parents were at the apex of a divorce. He was shocked! Slowly, his neighbours, classmates and others started avoiding him and began to make fun of him. He was totally depressed and started feeling alienated. He believed that he could never have any happy moments with his parents and thus did not want to live anymore. While returning from school, he felt some strain and a severe headache. Being distracted, he crossed the road carelessly and was hit by a car. Some local pedestrians took Rajath to a nearby hospital. They informed the school authorities about the accident. Later, his parents came to know about it. They somehow managed to leave their office and reached the hospital.
Life has its trying moments. For Rajath, it was a terrible time with the struggle for life and death wrenching him. With the tireless effort and skill of the doctors, Rajath was saved. As soon as he became conscious, Rajath wanted to meet his parents. His only words were, "Ma, dad, I want to see you both united. I'll be back, only if it is so and this is the only request to you two. "
The couple now faced a big challenge. It was time to let go their quarrel and think only about Rajath. As their son wished, they decided to rejoin. Hence, the Yadav family started a new life.
Time is also a healer, proved very clearly in Rajath’s life. Rajath's joy became sweeter with the birth of his younger brother. His life underwent a seachange from the verge of tragedy to the rising heights of happiness.

Aiswarya Jayakumar

Shh h………Silence we are Indians!!

I have always held silence in high esteem be it the yawning hush of daybreak or the pregnant pause of anticipation, silence is probably the only emotion which lends itself to unbridled speculation.Unique moments of this ‘suspended stillness’ is cathartic and liberating. Silence at best is music atrest .It is life pulsating in pristine freshness. Words emanate from nothingness and recedes to their origin which is silence.

I have grown watching my motherinternalize this sentiment, fighting every obstacle with tenacity. Interestingly she never reduced it to a silence of endurance. It was rather a purposeful activity spiritual intone.Somehow,thisquiteserenity screamed tobenoticed!! It was as if the stifled flood of emotions awaited a release .How well she contained it .She like her kind probably believed that one must alone drink of life’s gall .Little wonder then her loss is still an engulfing silence.

It is heart wrenching to see silence born out ofresignation .Unfortunately this is seen with astonishing frequency .One only has to look around to feel this numbness .People are provokedinto silence not because they don’t care or have losthope but are encouraged to tolerate impediments . Even in the face of gross injustice stoic silence is a way of life .It is almost as if the throbbing ache is an extensionof theirlandscape. Can silence dry the tears that bedim the eye ? A solace unexplored.

What’s truly intriguing is the devious use of this tongue frigidness .Use it astutely it’s effect is devastating ,a sure winner .It is called the silence of convenience .Silence triggered by animosity is understandable but that which is manipulative leaves you stumped.. Want to lay off a friend ??? Fix him with contemptuous silence. Stuck in a squeemish situation go into a frigid liplock. Why, sphinx like silence can help you pass off as a sage. Embroiled in sleaze fight it with silence .Castigated by controversy, no problem lie low it will die down.. Labelled with a paternity suit ,silence the illegitimate with derision .Its uses are diverse. A curbed tongue is so potent that it can annihilate the spoken word. The turbaned silence is a classic in itself. Immobilize a political aspirant with contempt .It like pulling an opponent into the fray and punching him with a feather. Silence is indeed the ultimate weapon . !!

It is when silence is used as an armour it gets denigrated and loses its halo .We are a nation obsessed with this armour of silence .We are adept at shielding ourselves from every obligation .We can quite dispassionately watch people being maimed , tortured and victimized .A condescending apathy is our only answer to despair and dismay. We expect a frenzied media to outrage our silence .To revive our struggling pangs of conscience .Worse we justify ourinaction with intellectual disdain. It is easy to look the other way .It is far easier to be mere spectators if we have not felt the wound .Mayhem .murder ,molestation are everyday occurrences .Why bother to rouse this eternal hush Let waiting justice sleep Shhhh…….silence !!

Ms. Sheela Varghese
Principal CKMNSS Sr. Sec.School, Chalakudy